It goes without saying that 2023 has been another year of exceptional challenge for the NHS. Our primary motivation and continued focus at the NHS Workforce Alliance is to contribute our commercial expertise in workforce markets to enable you to deliver the core purpose of the NHS – to provide high-quality patient care to everyone who needs it, free at the point of use. We are fully committed to that objective.
Throughout 2023, we have grown our contribution in supporting hospitals across the country by securing access to international clinical staff and strengthening our audit function across all agency markets in the NHS, while helping trusts to achieve sustained reductions in the use of “off-framework” agencies. Our insourcing solution is also helping to increase capacity at a time of enormous challenge on waiting lists for elective surgery.
We were delighted to host our first ever Workforce Conference in Bristol in October and to participate in a number of external workforce events throughout the year. We thank all delegates for their attendance and engagement with us, and we look forward to doing even more events in 2024.
Our focus for 2024 is to deepen our engagement at both regional and ICS level, and we are developing a new operating structure to enable that. Our aim is to ensure we are providing the best possible commercial advice and support for the specific challenges facing individual hospitals and systems, no matter where you are based.
We are an NHS service provider and our primary objective is to ensure we are helping you to deliver your strategic and operational goals as effectively as we can.
We wish you all a happy festive season and look forward to continuing our work together throughout 2024. Thank you for your service to the public in a tough operating environment. It is greatly appreciated.