Staffing shortages have long been a challenge for the NHS and the COVID-19 pandemic has only served to add additional pressures, creating significant supply issues as highlighted in a report by The Health Foundation.
Agency spend in NHS trusts is considerable, and while the use of agency staff is likely to remain a necessity, NHS England has highlighted that eliminating off-framework spend by the end 2022 is a high priority.
Off framework supply is typically more expensive than the NHS Workforce Alliance framework solution and could potentially introduce significant clinical risk to our NHS, as suppliers have not been subject to the same checks as those approved under the framework.
Our NHS England approved Clinical and Healthcare Staffing agreement will not only help you to eliminate off-framework spend, but also provide access to a pool of specialist suppliers who have been through a rigorous pre-award audit process.
We understand the realities NHS trusts are facing – the last two years have been incredibly challenging for the health and care workforce. Our team is dedicated to supporting trusts in finding a sustainable, long-term solution to the staffing crisis without reducing staffing capacity.
We are on hand to provide practical advice on the full spectrum of workforce related issues, so please lean on us as a trusted and reliable NHS partner.
If you would like to speak to a member of the team about your staffing requirements, please contact your local Alliance partner.