Reducing reliance on off-framework bookings

In line with the NHS England mandate, all agency bookings must be made through an approved framework.

The NHS Workforce Alliance is here to support you in reducing your organisation’s off-framework spend and highlight the benefits of booking workers from approved agencies.

We have created a downloadable pack as a helpful resource for NHS colleagues outlining the risks of using off framework.

The pack, which will be available shortly, includes:

  • A copy of the NHS England agency rules for your reference
  • A case study showing how a cluster of trusts in the East of England and the Alliance worked together to eradicate off-framework bookings in their region
  • A checklist of tips that can be implemented quickly and easily to reduce off-framework bookings in your organisation
  • A presentation that can be used to educate your clinical colleagues on the risks off-framework bookings pose to patients, the trust and their registration
  • A flyer that can be printed off and hung in areas of your trust where bookings are often made, ensuring the guidelines are at the front of everyone’s minds when dealing with agencies
  • A flowchart to help you identify and reduce off-framework bookings in your organisation, whic

The Alliance is also hosting a webinar on Thursday 15 December at 2pm where our off-framework experts will discuss initial steps trusts can take to reduce off-framework bookings, examples of good practice and give an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Please do forward the event to anyone in your trust that could use a refresher or upskilling on off-framework bookings.


Book your place now to avoid missing out.


Together we can get the right people in the right jobs, quickly and safely. 

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