NHSEI and the Workforce Alliance invites you to join us on 9 June for an ‘Introduction to Reducing Off Framework’ Masterclass.
We would like to invite anyone with an interest or leading role in Workforce, HR and OD and Temporary Staffing to join this 60-minute Masterclass.
During this session you will learn more about the NHS People Plan ambitions to eliminate off-framework agency use by 2021/22 as well as:
- Understand what we mean by off framework and how it relates to the wider temporary staffing strategy.
- Learn from case studies: how other trusts and systems have reduced their off-framework usage.
- Hear about the support available from approved framework operators (Workforce Alliance and HealthTrust Europe) and the Temporary Staffing team at NHS England and NHS Improvement.
- Learn about the initial steps trusts and systems can take to review their off-framework usage.
- Hear how a system-led data sharing agreement can support better transparency.
This is also your opportunity to ask any questions you may have about off framework spend.
How to join this event?
Please register or log-in to FutureNHS and request access to the Temporary Staffing Hub.
You will then be able to sign-up to the ‘An introduction to off framework: what’s new?’ masterclass.
Click here to be taken straight to the sign-up page.
Please note that you will need to log-in or register for FutureNHS to sign-up for and attend this event.
In case of any issues please email: NHSI.agencyrules@nhs.net.
Registration closes 12:00pm 8th June 2021. The webinar link will not be sent until 17:00 8th June 2021.
Questions about this event? Please contact Katrina Padmore:
Email: k.padmore@nhs.net
Telephone: 07485 103554