NHS Workforce Workshop: Sheffield

The Joint Cluster Workforce Workshop returned to Sheffield’s OEC, bringing together members of the various workforce clusters hosted by the Alliance’s North East and Yorkshire team, as well as colleagues from other NHS trusts in the region.

The Alliance’s Operations Director, Will Laing, opened the agenda by setting out some of the challenges facing the NHS workforce; national and regional trends, and insights into how the Alliance can support these challenges.

Claire Rix, from NHS England’s regional team, gave a valuable insight into regional priorities and variances in the workforce, including understanding the workforce demographic and how managing an effective staff rota can plug gaps caused by unexpected absences.

Lucy Upton and Lesley Houlihan from our Health Assurance team presented some key facts and figures on the Alliance’s audit programme before putting attendees’ knowledge to the test with a quick-fire quiz.

Andrew Uttley from Bevan Brittan presented legal updates on workforce legislation and IR35 before Claire Rix hosted a roundtable discussion.

Adam Howes, Alliance Business Intelligence Manager, delivered a presentation on how we can use data to improve workforce efficiencies, before Gill Chapman from Leeds Teaching Hospitals rounded off an enlightening agenda with a case study on how fast and effective workforce solutions can support financial recovery.

As well as our Sheffield event, we also hosted our NHS Workforce Alliance Workforce Workshop in Newcastle too. Click here to learn more about our event in Newcastle.  

If you would like to find out more about how we can address you workforce challenges, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions.  

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