How the NHS Workforce Alliance can support NHS organisations with occupational health needs 

Occupational Health Awareness Week takes place from 19-24 June 2022, and is a chance to shine a light on the importance of occupational health and how this function can support workforce needs in NHS organisations.  


Workforce challenges are being faced right across the NHS system. Whether it’s been tackling the long waitlists, working on the COVID-19 response or managing ‘business as usual’ activity, the pressure on NHS staff is very real. 


The occupational health function plays a key role in supporting staff wellbeing and retention and making sure measures are in place to ensure staff are supported in their role.  


Since its launch approximately one year ago, the NHS Workforce Alliance Occupational Health Framework has offered NHS organisations a suitable route to market for occupational health support tools to meet their needs. This framework can support trusts post-COVID-19 for ad hoc occupational health services, using parts of the framework to supplement trusts’ own capacity, or the framework can be used in full.  


Bethan Flynn, Commercial Agreement Manager at Crown Commercial Service – part of the NHS Workforce Alliance, said: “We understand that since the pandemic there has been a big increase in demand for occupational health support services, and the NHS Workforce Alliance is here to help.  


“Staff retention is a huge challenge facing the NHS right now and we know that if staff feel that their health and wellbeing needs are being met, they’re more likely to thrive in their role and less likely to leave an organisation. If we support staff right at the beginning of their concerns, this framework can support with putting measures in place to ensure the staff member is supported with their needs.” 


The NHS Workforce Alliance has a wealth of knowledge and can support you in delivering solutions to a wide range of workforce challenges, including occupational health. If you are interested in finding out more about how we can support you, please get in touch today. 

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