Helping the NHS manage financial challenges

Helping the NHS manage financial challenges

A recent review of the NHS financial position for 2024/25 by the NHS Confederation referred to “the tightest financial position NHS organisations have faced in years.” With workforce costs a hugely significant portion of the total NHS budget, we have worked hard internally and with NHS colleagues to develop a range of tools and techniques to help manage financial challenges.

These include:

  • Bespoke data analytics reports to help identify demand patterns, bottlenecks and opportunities in the use of bank and agency staff
  • Effective routes to market for international and permanent recruitment, reducing reliance on bank and agency staff
  • Advice and guidance on workforce planning and e-rostering, helping NHS organisations achieve an optimum mix of temporary and permanent employment models
  • Tools to help you deliver L&D and occupational health services to maintain a motivated and healthy workforce
  • Working with trusts on their strategy for staff bank
  • Collaborative performance management of suppliers
  • Support in eliminating off-framework expenditure on agency staff.

Our national reach and depth of experience means that we can make an impactful contribution working with local NHS teams in building sustainable and cost-effective workforce strategies.

If you’d like a 1-1 consultation on any commercial aspect of workforce planning, please contact us.

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