Get to Know Sophia Jadir, Marketing Officer at Crown Commercial Service

The ‘Get to Know’ series showcases staff from around the NHS Workforce Alliance to give you a glimpse of the variety of roles in our organisation, and the people who perform them.

This month, we’re pleased to introduce Sophia Jadir. Find out more about Sophia’s background, role and interests.

Q: What is your role within the NHS Workforce Alliance, and what does it involve?

I recently joined the NHS Workforce Alliance’s communications team representing the Crown Commercial Service. Our purpose is to spread awareness of the alliance and shout out about how we support the NHS workforce.

I contribute to this by providing my marketing expertise to the team, be it developing digital marketing strategies to utilise our social media channels to aligning our brand and making our marcomms more efficient.

Q: Why are you passionate about this?

I love strategising and being creative so my favourite thing is to create marketing strategies and see the results, which I get to do a lot of here. The team is great and the cause is so meaningful. I’m really pleased to be a part of the team and contribute toward the alliance.

Q: What is the greatest challenge you face at work?

Most people in marketing would say communicating to the right people at the right time. Data provides great insight, but to a limit. Knowing who in your target audience needs what and at what time is a marketing superpower and certainly the greatest challenge anyone in marketing faces. 

Q: What was your first job, and how has it impacted your career?

I started work at age 16 at Marks & Spencer. M&S gave me the opportunity to visit their HQ in London, which was very exciting for teenage me! I was interested in marketing and I was able to learn about their best practices from the International Digital Marketing and Christmas departments. I enjoyed it so much that I went on to study Marketing and Management at university. 

Q: How would you spend a perfect day off?

Being spontaneous in a city full of opportunities.

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