Get to Know Alex Howard, Procurement Specialist

The ‘Get to Know’ series showcases staff from around the NHS Workforce Alliance to give you a glimpse of the variety of roles in our organisation and the people who perform them.

This month, we’re pleased to introduce Procurement Specialist Alex Howard. 

What is your background?

I worked in multiple roles for a consultancy firm before joining the NHS in 2017. Since joining the Alliance I’ve worked on a wide range of projects, from drawing up regional supplier agreements to drive efficiencies in costs and processes, through to large scale international recruitment projects and developing spend recovery strategies. Having started out with a primary focus on data analytics, this gives me a good understanding of the challenges faced by trusts and how best to identify the root cause of any problems.

What is your role within the NHS Workforce Alliance and what does it involve?

I am a Procurement Specialist in the East of England regional team. I work with a number of trusts across the region to provide advice on a whole range of workforce issues and projects, such as developing strategies to reduce off-framework spend through to PSL management.

Why are you passionate about this?

The NHS is a cornerstone of our society and something to be extremely proud of, so assisting
trusts in having access to safe, compliant staff from audited agencies through our framework agreements is something that will enable more effective care for patients.

What is the greatest challenge you face at work?


We’re all aware of the challenges and pressures faced by NHS staff and trusts, we must
continually balance expectations and ambitious targets with the reality of the situation in order to continue to deliver the support that trusts deserve.


What was your first job and how has it impacted your career?

I worked as an assistant tennis coach when I was 14, but I don’t think it had a great bearing
on my eventual career path!


How would you spend a perfect day off?

If the weather is good, anything outdoors… you might find me kayaking, playing tennis or


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