Our Values

The NHS Workforce Alliance values revolve around putting the patient at the forefront of all that we do. The five partner organisations of the Alliance have worked collaboratively, as one, not just to agree these five values but to define how we can demonstrate them in practice, daily. We are united to deliver creative workforce procurement solutions with care and integrity.

We chose five key values to guide everything that we do:

We care

  • We want the best for all patients and practitioners in the NHS.
  • We strive to deliver excellent service to the NHS.
  • We respect each other’s position and views, and support and help each other.

We deliver

  • We produce effective solutions across all aspects of workforce and work with you to get the best from them.
  • We are 100% committed to producing on-time – effective delivery is important for the Alliance, our customers, and contingent workers.
  • We prioritise patient needs by building, developing, and improving our service together – we listen to all our stakeholders and share intelligence.

We have integrity

  • As a public sector organisation, the NHS Workforce Alliance is 100% committed to equity and honest dealing with all stakeholders, building trust and improving outcomes.
  • We put trust in each other and are honest in all our decisions, conversations, and actions.
  • We support our colleagues to deliver on their role and commitments.

We are creative

  • The NHS landscape is changing and we continue to evolve our portfolio to meet its needs both for today and tomorrow.
  • We have the confidence to be creative in how we inform, engage, and inspire our customers.
  • We are not constrained by past practice – but seek new and innovative ways of delivering our service.

We are united

  • We are building our common identity across our partners but most of all we are proud to be part of the NHS and to be working with you to provide the best services we can for everyone who relies on the NHS.
  • We strive to be one workforce that benefits from each other’s differences, expertise, and ideas.
  • We enjoy our work together and have a shared sense of team spirit.

Through these values, our people will continue to deliver across the Alliance and support workforces across the country.

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